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유학/영국 (2023.10.14 ~)

14,Aug,2024 마지막 오후 수업

by EugeneChoi 2024. 8. 15.


어학원 오후 수업 마지막 날이었다.
선생님 Luke가 수업 마지막 10분 전에 나를 위해 시간을 내어주었다.

Luke :
"Alright, Yujin. This is your last afternoon class, isn't it?

Hey guys, any questions? he's been here for eleven months."

이렇게 인터뷰가 시작되었다.
차례로 나에게 궁금한 것을 물어보기 시작했다.

"When you arrived here, what was your english level?"

"When I came here, I was B1 or B2 level.
I couldn't understand English at all. Now I can understand English to a certain level. But, I don't think I'm C1. I'm still struggling on"

"You're definitely C1"


"Why did you choose Brighton? Did you have any other options?"

"Well, I wanted to do some surfing in Brighton. I love the see.
But, you know, I couldn't get around to doing it, neither time nor money"


"Marcus said that Brighton is very popular for tattoos. Have you ever got a tattoo here?

"Yeah, I've got a new tattoo on my left arm, which is an owl. meaning of wisdom and knowledge.
Because I learnt a lot here."


"After the English course, where are you heading to? you said you were going on a trip"

"Right, I'm going on a trip to Europe for a month and going back to Korea. Maybe Paris first, and Italy, Hungary, Austria, something like that"

"You met a lot of friends here. right?"

"True. This is why. I'm going travelling to meet up my friends"


"Did you stay in the host house the whole time?"

"Yeah, for 10 months."


"What was the most interesting thing during the time?"

"Well, I must say, the education system. You know, in Korea, we don't debate a lot. So I don't have any general thoughts. Maybe this is because I'm a lunatic.
And also, I'm leading my life on the fringe of society. I realised that learning English contains history, education something like that. Because of my personality, it was a bit difficult."

이렇게 인터뷰가 종료되었다.
준비하지 않고 말한 것 치고는 아주 유창하게 말을 했다.

Luke 선생님이 나보고 "넌 확실히 C1 레벨이야" 라고 말할 때는 진정으로 기뻤다.

수업이 끝나고 Luke 선생님이 나와 함께 해서 즐거웠다고 말해주었다.
나도 선생님과 함께 영어를 배워서 영광이었다고 말했다.


My room / Aug,2024


호스트 하우스에서 찍은 강아지 사진들, 정원 사진들,
그리고 마리와 찍은 사진들.
The Old Stein 근처에 있는 FUJIFILM STREAM 에 인화 의뢰를 맡겼다.
20장에 10파운드 정도니 나름 합리적인 가격이었다.

내가 간직하려고, 호스트 맘에게 선물로 주려고,
그리고 마리에게 선물로 주려고 인화하였다.




이렇게 내 브라이튼 생활이 끝나간다.


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