Diary/받은 편지12 25,Dec,2023 / From. Suzi (Christmas) 크리스마스, 호스트 맘 Suzi가 내게 준 카드. Dear Yujin,Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.Best wishes from,Suzi & Mark & Family. 유진에게.즐거운 크리스마스가 되기를, 새해 복 많이 받아.행운이 가득하기를.Suzi, Mark, Family. 2024. 7. 23. 15,Dec,2023 / From. Aline BLC에서 만난 Aline이 영국을 떠날 때 내게 건네준 카드. I'm blessed to get to know you in this little journey as a human being, Yujin.Thank you for each moment we shared talking about the universe.Thank you for each moment in silence with me.You were the most precious person I could ever meet here.Love, Aline. 한 사람으로서, 이 짧은 영국이라는 여정에서 너를 알게 된 것은 큰 축복이라고 생각해, 유진.우리가 우주에 대해 이야기하며 공유했던 매 순간들에 감사해.나와 함께 보냈던 매 순간의 침묵들에.. 2024. 7. 23. 19,Nov,2023 / From. Yujin Kim BLC에서 만난 유진누나가 영국을 떠날 때 내게 건네준 카드. Hi, Yujin!!It's me, Yujin. It has been some time since I wrote. So it's a little bit awkward to write a letter.But it's like I'm writing to me.I know the response was not good when I said I'd write a letter or the Rottingdean cafe, but I'm old fashioned as you know haha. I like letters.We probably wouldn't have gotten close if you didn't say hello to me when.. 2024. 7. 23. 이전 1 2 다음